Tuesday, 25 January 2011


 I really like the long take as the heist begins along with the music which sets the mood for the scene and changes as the scene plunges into danger. The handheld cameras make the audience feel as if they're running with the characters and makes the audience feel like a part of the film. The nun costumes are also very iconic, I'd like something equally as iconic if not more so for my work.:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q7dmPnwXfw&feature=related

I really like the slow pan downwards to Robert De Niro's Max Cady in Cape fear because the music MAKES his introduction so powerful. In those few seconds it makes the audience believe this man is a criminal.

The rain in the scene along with the calm music makes the scene feel personal. The music seamlessly blends in with the sound of the rain and is almost unnoticeable. I like the imagery of the water which acts almost like the tears the characters are unable to shed.

The chestburster scene is still to date the most frightening scene I've ever seen in a film. It was unpredictable and shocking. Something i would like to recreate- being taken out of your comfort zone without expecting it.

 I'm not sure how i would get this song to fit into  my work but this songs has always struck me as something that needs to either open or close a film.

Black and white suits have a look that radiates iconic to me.

I like the idea of formally dressed criminals. This picture captures the look of how I like my criminal characters to look. I like the way their dressed smart and efficiently but their actual appearance looks like that of a common thug.

You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB!

If Walt Disney is the master of animation then Hayoa Miyazaki is the god of animation.

 I wish I'd created this film.

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