This week I had to look at the mark scheme and peer assess two candidates previous work. This involved me looking at their production logs and blog to gain an understanding of what I must include in my work and how I can gain high marks and avoid getting low marks via analysing the other candidates work. From what I saw from the two previous candidates work I have decided that I will try my very best to give detailed examples like Candidate 2 did to show the examiner of my understanding of the tasks I have been given and to also show the examiner of my knowledge of correct terminology and what I have been asked to do and how I have done so.
I have also learnt that the overall look and organisation of a blog looks better if the blog has mainly typed up work instead of work that has been photographed and posted on the blog. I believe that typing up the work makes the blog look better and can help your co-workers and examiner better understand your work.
Assessing the other candidates work has informed me that in my production I should be vary aware of time management and should have all stages of production organised and never be behind on any work because it'll bring down the rest of my work.If I fall behind on any work the possible high potential of my work will also likely go into decline with it. In the assessing I have also found that market research plays a huge part in making a successfull piece of work and that it should not be overlooked.
In my work i'll tryt to emulate the organisation of my work and the thorough market research and planning for my opening scene. I will try to avoid having my work build up and lack description in my evaluations,tasks and research that I do and undertake. I will also avoid posting photographs of my work and instead try to type up all my work.
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